Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Centerpieces

More detail about Update Topic # 2...My Centerpieces!

There it is! Gorgeous, right?
Well, of course that is just the stock photo...But the idea is still the same.

It is hard to know how many of them to buy right now...Since we do not have a final guest count yet...But I was not willing to wait until the summer to start purchasing these.
Last Friday Mama Hines and I went to the local Joann's Fabrics and Michael's stores and bought every centerpiece they had in stock...So we ended up with 7 of them. And the stores said they are probably not getting any more in. I can order them online, but I would rather hold off on the extra added cost for shipping and handling right now.
On Friday my Mom and whoever else from my family that she forced to help me, ran around and bought 9 more.
Mom and I went looking all around on Saturday and Sunday, but came up empty-handed.
So for now we have 16 of these guys. My guess is we need about 20 of them.

They do not come with the tea light candles...So since there are room for 6 candles, I originally wanted each centerpiece to have 2 white candles, 2 black candles, and 2 fuchsia candles.
But I CANNOT even begin to explain how difficult it is to find any shade of pink tea light candles! If you are lucky, you can find a pale pink color...But that seems to be it.
Minus of course if you want to spend a fortune on actually making your own custom candles.

So I might have to settle on black & white candles...Or just white. The base is more like pewter than black, but that's close enough to black I guess.
And then I can just do hot pink flowers.

It looks like you can fit a dozen roses in each vase...But there is no way I am spending that much money for each centerpiece to have a dozen of any flower.
So one of these days I will buy some experimental flowers to make some mock-up centerpieces...And see what flowers and what quantity look good, without looking too cheap.
Also, I am determined to try out bamboo in them. If it doesn't look good, at least I will know that I tried it out!

Also, I am going to buy some mirrors to see how necessary mirrors under the centerpiece are.

Well, I guess that is about all I have to say about my centerpieces right now.

Oh, and if anyone is in a 3 hour radius of me and is looking for those centerpieces...Sorry, I probably bought them all! :(

K, 1 update down...6 more to go! ;-)


  1. Nice! I haven't seen those before! I like the bamboo idea too. Looking forward to your mockups

  2. Wow...those are very different. I have never seen something like that and love the idea of a tabletop floral with candles in/around it that isn't a tall hanging tree or branch with votives hanging from it...very overdone...though beautiful. Nicely done. They'll look great!
