Sunday, August 15, 2010

Only 6 Days Left!!

I didn't post any weather forecasts yesterday because they were all for thunderstorms.
But today's forecast is for "Brilliant Sunshine". And I think that is hysterical because I don't think I've ever heard a weather forecast described as Brilliant. :)

Accu's forecast sounds PERFECT!

"Pleasant weather with Brilliant sunshine". Works for me! :)

Of course Intellicast says cloudy...But still better than rain!!

The Weather Channel says cloudy, too.

But Mexico's weather is starting to look awesome!

Haha A Real Feel of 106*F is a little crazy though. :)

So I have done sooooo many wedding errands Friday night, all day Saturday and all day today, that I have barely seen Jon! :(

But one week from today and it will all be over...
Very bitter sweet, if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. I was a total weather stalker in the 10 days leading up to our wedding and we had the most incredibly beautiful weather I ever could have asked for! It will all work out. Can't wait to see post wedding pics now that you are so close!
